Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Oh my, oh my.......it was quite the trip.  Almost like going to the Sahara dessert to get Middle Eastern food and condiments. But, I found a neat Deli where I can find all the ingredients to make anything.  You see, my children are quite a cultural mix; half German and half  Lebanese. They learned very young to eat the various dishes and foods  from both countries, except I am the German and only learned a minimal amount from my mother-in-law.  I was hard pressed to provide these tastes for their palate, until today.  Now I can provide a tasty treat on occasion.  Making my way through traffic, I also tried to find a German bakery to no avail. Tough to drive while watching the highway and strip malls at the same time. Consequently, no baked goodies today. But, I am content with the discovery I made today.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I am starting to like upscale Flea Markets. No, I don't want to be a shopper; I want to be a vendor. I love the whole world of talking to many people; maybe I have shut myself in for too long reminiscing instead of forging ahead and discovering a whole lot more of what is. Everyone has a story and many people are willing to share their individual histories and what makes them unique. I am beginning to understand how self limiting I have been by being selective, secretive and just plain worried about what people think of me. All of a sudden, I don't care. No, I'm not into snobs, just plain folks who live on this planet with me.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lovely Saturday

A suns bright rays warming my body all over, a sparkling pool of water to jump into for a refreshing dip, a tangy cool drink. Nature all around me, tall palms swaying softly in the breeze, beautiful white egrets strutting across a well manicured lawn and birds singing happily in the nearby trees, perhaps trying to send a message to their mate or only singing for joy.

I hear it. I feel it. I am in the NOW, banishing all other thoughts for a while to appreciate what is, right now.