Well now that everyone knows I am someones mother and have (4) grandchildren, how can I really say what I'm thinking. Just think of me as another human being full of great stuff and faults. I cry when I laugh and find it hard to laugh when I cry.
Oh, about today, up at 8:45 a.m. and already disgusted with the lawnmowers running outside, debris blowers, shrub clippers and all the hoopla that goes with property maintenance. Oops, the 'phone, I answer only to find the caller gone. I'm hitting the wrong buttons. Then I deleted the caller. It was the landlord. I need coffee; phew, now I can figure out what I'm doing wrong with this new cell 'phone and come to a conclusion as to why I delete all my callers when I end a call.
I'm thinking, oh, I do have his number. "Hi Paul, sorry, we are playing 'phone tag." I'm not telling him what I did.
Dang, I have to read the instruction book. I don't learn too well reading. It's hands on for me. Push, push those buttons, but I'll read it. I'm thinking, no one will ever know how stupid I feel except for people reading my blog. Oh please, don't feel bad for this grandma; she gets to sleep late and have sweet dreams about her family.